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Center of the Universe


Artists  Mandragora

Label  Iboga Records

Iboga Records is proud to present a Freedom Fighters remix of Mandragora's 'Center of the Universe'. Smooth production, meticulously arranged soundscapes and soulful melody give this track a pure and glossy finish, inviting us into the realm of that which cannot be grasped with the mind, only felt with the heart.

“And your soul needs exploration and growth. And they only way you'll get it, is by forcing yourself to be uncomfortable.”

Center of the Universe

Iboga Records is proud to present a Freedom Fighters remix of Mandragora's 'Center of the Universe'. Smooth production, meticulously arranged soundscapes and soulful melody give this track a pure and glossy finish, inviting us into the realm of that which cannot be grasped with the mind, only felt with the heart.

“And your soul needs exploration and growth. And they only way you'll get it, is by forcing yourself to be uncomfortable.”

1. Center of the Universe (Freedom Fighters Remix)
Remixed by: Freedom Fighters

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